Rainbow Friends Horror Game Apk v2.0.0 Premium Unloacked Free Download

👾 App NameRainbow Friends Horror Game
🛠️ PublisherDigi Dev Games
📜 GenreSports
📂 Size104 MB
⚡ Latest Versionv2.0.0
🎮 Mod InfoPremium Unloacked
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Rainbow Friends Horror Game 

Rainbow Friends Horror Game  - this is a first-individual experience repulsiveness, with famous and terrifying beasts. As per the plot, your legend gets into an old deserted working, from which it ends up being not so natural to get out. To do this, you should tackle a ton of riddles, and obviously, remain alive at any expense! All along of the game, you should act, in light of the fact that at any second you will actually want to confront dangerous beasts. Attempt to investigate the areas around you, track down different clues, protests, and be continually on the caution. On the off chance that you truly do meet a beast, attempt to take off from it at the earliest opportunity and stow away, in light of the fact that even for this situation there is an opportunity to get away. The illustrations in the game are a piece melancholy, yet on account of the somewhat bright climate, it can't be said that it can frighten. Obviously, steady pressure is available, as at any subsequent you can be gone after. Eventually, on the off chance that you figure out how to tackle every one of the issues, you will actually want to find an exit from the structure and getaway!

Download Rainbow Friends Horror Game APK free for Android

⚡ v2.0.0 | Premium Unloacked

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